Monday, December 22, 2008

Hugh Hefner, newest Illinois Senatorial Candidate

Hugh Hefner

Here are some of the talents he brings to the table..I mean the text below!

Hugh Hefner, the latest possible candidate for the Illinois Senatorial seat. The Playboy mogul from , yes, Illinois originally. Can you imagine the black tie affairs on Capital Hill? Isn't he a natural for "Entertainment Czar" during this next Congress?
(It going to make Bill Clinton want to run for something).

Why Foreign dignataries, Kings, Prime Ministers, Princes, even Shek's will all be lining up to visit us for the after hours black tie affairs, after the daytime meetings and conferences. Imagine the concessions, and treaty's we could negotiate. (I'll bet we could get NAFTA repelled).

I wouldn't be surprised if the Queen Mother herself showed up occasionally. I'm sure Prince Charles would be along side. As for Barney Frank..this may drive him underground, or something like that. However, this may keep the Pope, and the Vatican away. Can't you imagine the extra traffic around the confession booths around Washington D. C. on Sunday mornings? (Maybe not a bad thing). We might learn who on Capital Hill still have their conscience.

Don't get me wrong, there is more to Hef than sex. It's just hard for me to put a pen to it. But seriously, he would bring a new and relaxed wardrobe to Capital Hill. Hugh has robes for every occasion. A more relaxed atmosphere would promote more constructive and imaginative ideas and laws. Wouldn't that be a good thing?

Lastly, the bunny ears Hugh put on his Playboy Playmates would have to be incorporated into the session in some manner. Maybe these could be worn buy all members of Congress who support a bill. This way it would be easier to get a head count, in determining if the bill should be brought to the House floor for a vote.

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